Kind words from Instaproofs users…
“I absolutely love working with Instaproofs because you are SO fast to respond with help and you are so honest!”
— Jennifer | Jennifer Bialik Photography
“Instaproofs has changed how I run my business and has been absolutely instrumental in "pajama profits" more than any other gallery platform I've ever used (and I've used a ton).”
— Anna Michalska
“I heart @instaproofs You guys rock!! My proofing and ordering has improved 10-fold since using you! THANK YOU!!”
— Kirsten Mitson
“I've said it before, and I'll say it again. Instaproofs has the best customer service. Ever.”
— Heather Espana
“I love Instaproofs. It has Pixy dust on it....for some reason, clients buy more stuff through this service than any other I've used.”
— Eric Rudd | Eric Rudd Photography
“You guys are the best. I absolutely love this company.”
— Yvette Roman
“We have been happy Instaproofs users for many years! I love how easy it is to use, schedule discounts and present to clients. And the customer service is excellent; it’s nice to get a human when you need help!”
— Airika Pope
“So many companies today are so distant and just don't listen; I feel like every time I talk to you it's a breath of fresh air! :) ”
— Cody Tolmen
“You have been such a great business to work with, and my brides are so happy! Thanks so much!”
— Brooke Stevens-Patrick
“I have used instaproofs for almost 4 years & their amazing customer service STILL amazes me.”
— Laura Reaux
“I am extremely pleased so far! I’ve already sold more prints & products than I EVER did in the two years I was with Pixieset. I am a true believer!”
— Jeremy Chou
“It's so easy to get help from you guys. You guys do it right!!!”
— Matt Morrissey
“I just wanted to drop a line and say WOW and THANK YOU for the new slideshow feature. It's slick and wonderful and very easy to use. I love Instaproofs!!! You guys are the best!”
— Michelle Lawlor
“Since switching over to Instaproofs, I have made over ($75,000 OR $15,000/year) in additional print sales. The best part is that once it's set up, it basically runs itself. I make money in my sleep!”
— Rachel Solomon
“Wow! I just used the fulfillment for the first time and it couldn't be easier! Every option I'd want is there and it's super easy to manage everything. WAY easier than doing it all myself.”
— Kate Ignatowski
“You guys ROCK MY WORLD. Seriously.
— Suzanne Arambula
“Thank you so much! You are always so helpful and I know I can always rely on a speedy response when I need assistance.”
— Sabrina Lightbourn
“Instaproofs is the greatest proofing site ever. Period.”
— Cade Bowman
“Thank you so much!!! Your customer service is AWESOME!!”
— Amy Rogalski
“Instaproofs is the BEST!! I'm constantly telling my photographer friends about it. I swapped from another gallery platform just over a year ago. Since then, my print sales have more than tripled and I have no doubt it's due to the automated emails available with Instaproofs. Highly recommend!”
— Jessie Barksdale
“I really love instaproofs, and am hoping to use it much more as my business grows.”
— Christina Domingues
“HOLY CRAP?! Thank you SO MUCH for responding so fast! You guys are THE BEST!”
— Michelle King
“One of the best things I've done in last 12 months was to start using @instaproofs for print sales - huge difference.”
— David Long
“Man, you are awesome. Seriously, totally, and completely awesome.”
— Jonathan Canlas
“I love your website. It has been a great tool for me as I'm building my business. You guys are fantastic!”
— Christy Cropper
“I’ve tried a few different online proofing systems and Instaproofs is hands down the best. My sales with other platforms has been nowhere near my sales with instaproofs. Highly recommended.”
— Tina Dudley Loveridge
“Instaproofs consistently earns me over $1000 a month, sometimes more!”
— Philip Casey
“My first event is up and looks just great. Your service is sooo much nicer than the one I was using. Gracias!”
— Genevieve Shiffrar
“Thank you thank you thank you ... why have I not found you earlier!!!! Finally a company that has everything I need to proof and sell online PLUS amazing and SUPER FAST customer service.”
— Sarah Chapman
“Oh my gosh you guys are THE BEST!!!!!! Thank you so much!!!!!! The customer service you guys provide for your clients is above and beyond what anyone would expect. LOVE YOU GUYS!!”
— Keri Payne
“Thanks for responding so quickly!!! I can't say enough how instaproofs has changed my business! I have never worked with a proofing site as great as yours!!!!! (see all the exclamation points? im super excited about it).”
— Jen Sieveking
“Hey -- I just wanted to contact you because I really love Instaproofs. This service is really amazing, and I can't thank you enough! Keep up the fantastic work!!!”
— Carly Millis
“My partner and I have found your service and proofing cart to be such a wonderful asset to our photography business. If you ever need any referrals to list on your site, let us know and we'd be happy to write you one!”
— Becka Knight & Nathan Robinson | Studio222 Photograph
“Brilliant service and product. So glad I found you. I have been searching for something like this for years, just nothing like it in the UK.”
— Tracy Simpson
“Most internet customer service I've interacted with has been very impersonal and slow to respond. You have been really wonderful, so thanks!”
— Kristina Hill
“You guys have insane customer service! Thank you again!”
— Amanda Nelson Photography
“You guys are the absolute best!!!! I cannot tell you how much I LOVE your customer service!! Thank you from the bottom of my heart for always doing such an amazing job!”
— Alicia L. Shields
“You have been a great part of my company and I thank you all for your support and business. You all are a ray of sunshine in an overwhelming dark world of offered services.”
— Drew Riedman
“You are such a lifesaver! Thanks for the awesome customer service.”
— Eryn Wagner
“In an industry that is inundated with proofing options, I am an instaproofs client for life. This business is run with real heart & soul.”
— Natalie Norton
“You guys are so great with your customer service and willingness to receive & consider feedback. Really puts your company above the rest!”
— Debra Thornton
“I just started using instaproofs this summer and my print sales have gone up so much! I love the site.”
— Kelly Miller
“I could not be more happy with my instaproofs experience thus far…Seriously…. Soooooo much work just taken out of my hands! Thanks Thanks and Thanks again”
— Tad Atkinson
“I never expected this type of result from my email! That's fantastic, thanks!! This will make a huge difference. The site and options keeps getting better and better. :)”
— Matt Ramos | Matt Ramos Photography, LLC
“THANK YOU ALL for providing such a stellar website. I always get the greatest comments about it. Don't know what I would do without you.”
— Debi Mann | Shutttterbug.com
“Instaproofs is absolutely amazing!! The ability to have automated emails go out with timed sales has brought me a passive income stream that I could only dream about before.”
— Jonas Seaman
“I think your company is outstanding! I am very pleased with how it is set up. I will be telling other photographers about you all. Keep up the good work!”
— Todd DeBord
“This was my first time using Instaproofs with a paying client. Everything worked perfectly and was super easy to use. I love your site. Thank you!”
— Rusty Johnston
“I LOVE the tutorials!!! My business is just starting, and I haven't been a "big seller" yet, but seeing the tutorials on discounts and digital downloads has opened up numerous opportunities for me. I will be using them from now on!! Thanks so much!”
— Sally Giles
“You guys are the best company I've ever worked with. Thank you SO much (from the bottom of my heart, truly) for existing. I wouldn't consider, not even for a second going back to SmugMug or Zenfolio.”
— Ysabella Jones
“You guys never cease to amaze and I love how you LISTEN to your customers. MPIX has done this, too, and now has MPIXpro. So with you guys and mpixpro in my tool kit, I can't go wrong. Thanks, adam and team for what you do!!!!!”
— Paul Wolf | Creative Process
“You guys rock. Thank you for being so in tune with your community, you are all nothing short of stellar. Thank you!!!”
— Anna Michalska
“This is a really great service and you guys have made it possible for me to have an affordable storefront. I don't always shoot events, but when I do, it's good to have this service. Thanks!”
— Ana Reyes
“Instaproofs is BY FAR the best platform for photo hosting and selling -- not only for me, but also for my clients. I love that I can set sales and future discounts and forget about it while my clients reap the benefits of an easy process on their end. Plus, the customer service is amazing!”
— Kelsey Schwenk
“Thank you for all you guys do! Instaproofs is the greatest thing that has ever happened to my business and it's because of the customer service you guys provide. :)”
— Danielle DeFiore | Danielle DeFiore Photography
“You guys are so nice!! I have only dealt with you on 2 occasions, but both times you all have been really nice and it seams that you guys are really here to help!! This type of customer service is hard to come by!!! Thank you so much!!”
— Laurie Travis | Travis Ranch Photography
“We've had more orders on Instaproofs in 6 months than we had the entire time we were with our previous provider (6+ years)!”
— Cody Tolmen
“I love using your sevices. Thank you so much for your great customer service.”
— Michelle Nuttall
“Y'all are awesome!!! I refer you to everyone because y'all are so helpful! Thanks for everything!!”
— Kassie Richardson
“Thank you! I don't know why it took me so long to find it but is saving me time. I love it. You guys rock!”
— Michael McIntire
“Thanks guys! Your hard work is APPRECIATED! And our business continues to grow with your help! We constantly get responses from our clients stating how easy it is to use the instaproofs site!”
— Paul & Tammy | Red Door Photo & Design
“I definitely couldn't survive without my Instaproofs, Inc. for management of my business, including quotes, galleries, coupons, post-sales, promotions, etc!!!!”
— Marcos Valdés
“Just a quick note to say thanks for the lightning fast service making the event changes I requested. You have saved me MANY HOURS of work and again re-affirmed why Instaproofs is the only choice for me.”
— Brad Gienger
“I love your website! I have used enough image proofing sites to know that yours is the best. Luckily I was enthusiastically encouraged to check yours out from Jon and Leo. I am also represented by Fuji Film. Thank you so much!”
— Leah McCormick | Photography by Leah
“I just wanted to let you know that I took a little time away from instaproofs to try a couple of other systems. You know what I found out? Pictage was robbing me blind! ;) ha ha ha but I bet you already knew that! And BluDomain's shopping cart isn't user friendly. My print sales actually took a nose dive this year when I switched to BluDomain. So....back to you I come. :) Thanks for the bazillionth time for having a great product.”